Danisa Glusevic F.
She born in Santiago de Chile in 1965, since 2017 lives and works in Dusseldorf, Germany.
1991 Licensee in Arts, Major in Painting, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile.
1990 Bachelor of Arts, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile.
2016 Seminar, «Mein Eigene Weg«, Kunst Akademie, Essen. Germany.
2015 Watercolor Workshop, Kunst Akademie Essen, Sommerkurs, Essen. Germany.
2004-06 Watercolor workshop, Lea Kleiner Atelier, Santiago, Chile.
1999 Lithography workshop, Taller de Artes Visuales, Santiago, Chile.
1996-9 DAAD Award (German Academic Exchange Service Fellowship) Berlin, Germany.
1993 Valdivia Paint Competition, Valdivia, Chile, Honorable Mention.
1991 Friends of the Art Scholarship, Fundación Amigos del Arte, Santiago, Chile.
1991 6th Annual Intern. Exhibition of Miniature Art, Del Bello Gallery, Toronto Canada, Third Prize.
University of Chile, Faculty of Arts.
2013-16 Instructor of Complementary Workshop: Engraving and Drawing.
2007-13 Art Institute Secondary School, Specialty Teacher of Painting and Drawing I and II.
2007-10 Teaching Assistant, Engraving Workshop (Prof. Verónica Rojas Ledermann).
2004 Small Format Paintings, Goethe Institute, Santiago, Chile.
1996 DAAD Fellows, Goethe Institute, Santiago, Chile.
1991 «In-Material», Amigos del Arte Foundation, Santiago, Chile.
2019 Salon du Maroc,»La unite dans la diversite«, Mohamed Kacimi Gallery Fes. Marocco.
2019 Anima Mundi , Palace Ca, Zanardi, Art show. Venice, Italy.
2018 Marwan, Exhibition, Gallery Pancow. Berlin, Germany.
2018 Mad for Naples, Residence Project, Monteoliveto Gallery. Naples, Italy.
2018 Die Neuen, BBK, Art Association. Düsseldorf, Germany.
2017 «Contemporary 17«. Gallery Etienne de Causans. Paris, France.
2016 The Contemporary, La Argentina, Gallery. BSAS, Argentina.
2014 ArteDonna, 360 Gallery. Florence, Italy.
2013 Master of Imagination, Agora Gallery, New York, USA.
2012 South of South, Latin American Art Fair, Recoleta Cultural Center. BSAS, Argentina.
2010 Classical Art, 7th Fair of Modern and Contemporary Art, Costa Salguero, Argentina.
2009 7 Women from 7 Countries, Museum of the Americas Miami. Florida, USA.
2008 Art Fair Arte al límite, Centro Cívico Vitacura. Santiago, Chile.
2008 Chilean Contemporary Art Exhibition. Museum of the Americas, Miami. Florida, USA.
2005 Engraving Exhibition Instituto Wilhem Von Humboldt. Santiago, Chile.
1998 Exhibition Tag der offenen Tür, Hochschule der Künste. Berlín, Germany.
1996 Exhibition Scholarship DAAD. Göethe Institut. Santiago, Chile.
1995 «Help me to Paint» Collective exhibition of Postal Art Gallery. Posada el Corregidor, Santiago, Chile.
1994 «Selection Contest Matisse» Museum of Fine Arts. Santiago, Chile.
1994 «In Search of tierra del Sol» Museo Universitario del Chopo. México.
1994 «Project Paintings» Clínica Integramedica. Santiago, Chile.
1992 «Juvenalia XIII» Youth and Children’s Fair. Madrid, España.
1992 «Selection América Ayer y Hoy» Exposición Pintura. Cultural Institute Las Condes. Santiago, Chile.
1992 «Postal Art Exhibition» Museum Of Contemporary Art. Santiago, Chile
1993 «Art Night» Canadian Embassy. Museum of Contemporary Art. Santiago, Chile.
1993 Contest “Valdivia y su Río” Municipalidad de Valdivia. Valdivia, Chile.
1991 «Sixth Annual International Exhibition of Miniature Art» Del Bello Gallery. Toronto, Canada.
1991 Selection «Marbella Painting Contest in Art», Cultural Institute Las Condes. Santiago, Chile.